Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas x3

Please excuse the complete lack of posts since December 12... we have been celebrating Christmas over and over and over again!

On December 18, Jeremy's parents came for a 3 day visit. We opened Christmas presents on our first morning together, visited the Christmas displays at Longwood Gardens, LOVE park in Philadelphia, ate a steak dinner, and watched The Grinch!

On Christmas morning, Jeremy and I spent our third Christmas together as a married couple, just he and I. We opened our stockings, went to church, and then came straight home to open presents. Here's a picture of Baby Powell on Christmas Day.

Later on Christmas night, my parents and sister Jenna arrived from Massachusetts... with Baby Powell due on January 17, our doctors instructed Jeremy and I not to travel for the holidays.

I am very thankful to both families for re-arranging their traditions and coming to visit us instead.

On Christmas night, Meredith and Kyle hosted everyone for a late dinner and cookies... then, the Sweitzer family Christmas activities started the next morning, December 26.

As usual, there were more presents than planned. Everyone seemed very happy with what they gave and received. Jeremy and I made brunch (egg-sausage casserole, bacon, cranberry-banana-muffins, fruit, etc.) and Jenna made English flapjacks. 

After opening gifts, we planned a family outing... we love our apartment, but its a wee-bit small to keep 7 people cooped up inside all day. Thinking ahead, we decided to visit the Brandywine River Museum, which features the Wyeth Family artists. 

I have to make this next picture BIG... it's officially one of my favorite sibling photos: 

My Auntie Janet and Uncle Jon drove in from Harrisburg to visit the museum with us, but somehow they alluded our camera! Hey guys!

Fortunately, we did nab photos the next day. On December 27, we had another big family occasion. My mom's other Pennsylvania-sister, Ellen, her husband John, my cousin Tristan and my Grandma Sawyer came to visit. 

If you didn't think we were spoiled enough... my aunt and uncle rolled in with armfuls of cookies and gifts. 

Meredith and Kyle received a "sticky rice basket" (for steaming sticky rice), which Kyle is wearing on his head in this picture:

And among other things, Jeremy and I received an amazing pop-up book of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince, which we'll allow Baby PhillyPowell to play with around age 10!

My parents and Jenna went home to Massachusetts the next day, so here ends our Christmas recap. Again, we are very thankful to everyone who changed their traditions and plans to visit us. Thank you everyone! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas is Coming... and I am Getting Fat

Five weeks until Baby PhillyPowell's due date!

This Christmas, the holiday term "figgy pudding" is directly applicable to my silhouette.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Now Taking Bets...

As many of you know, I've been enjoying my pregnancy in the company of my two best friends, Eli and Christy.

Eli gave birth to beautiful Luke Samuel Henninger on November 30.

Christy (now 20 weeks) just learned that she is expecting a boy too!

Jeremy and I have opted to be surprised and he hates guessing games, so someone humor me please and give me your best bet. Boy or girl?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Book Guy

I think Jeremy has reached a new record in books borrowed from the Westminster library for paper writing...