Monday, February 27, 2012

Bombay Teen Challenge

There is a common joke among our Indian friends that Indians are allowed to have one of either two career paths: medicine or IT.

And for the most part, its true!

At church, Jeremy and I are close friends with a family doctor, an emergency room doctor, a gastroenternologist, a cardiac surgeon, an anethesiologist... just to name a few... and though they might be "typical" in their career choices, they are using their skills mightily to serve God.

This month, a team of doctors, nurses and IT guys from our church (Seven Mile Road - Philadelphia) traveled to Bombay, India to provide medical care to women working as prostitutes in the Red Light District and to children living in an nearby orphanage.
(The IT guys went to set up an electronic medical record system.)
(Photo by Shibu Daniel)

The trip was organized in partnership with Bombay Teen Challenge, a ministry rooted in Bombay's Red Light District. BTC provides direct outreach to women in prostitution, working to convert hearts and rescue women held against their will.

In addition, BTC's orphanages provide shelter, food, training and discipleship to abandoned children of prostitutes and to teen girls who can escape the Red Light District.

CNN is currently streaming a video describing Bombay Teen Challenge and I wanted to share the link:

The doctors in scrubs you will see are members of our church and some are our good friends.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Greats

This past weekend, Claire met some of her 'Greats'... her Great-Grandma Mac, Great-Auntie Janet, Great-Auntie Ellen, Great-Uncle Jon, and her other Great-Uncle John.

Four generations: Great-Grandma Mac, Grandma Susan Joy, Katie Joy, Claire Joy

 Great-Auntie Ellen

 Great-Grandma Mac... she definitely knows how to handle baby girls!

 Great-Auntie Janet

Great-Uncle Jon
(Claire was enjoying a little back rub here...)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Final Semester

I thought people might appreciate a non-Claire post for a moment...
Okay, wait, just one Claire update! She's sooooo cute! She's not a fan of pacifiers, but she's discovered that her hands are fun to suck on. She is beginning to focus on objects like toys, and we think she's on the brink of smiling! 
Now, back to my post... Jeremy started his final semester at Westminster Theological Seminary this month. To finish this May, he has a extra full load of classes:

  • Christian Ethics
  • Counseling in the Local Church
  • Theology of Science
  • Preaching Systematic Theology (independent study with Prof. Tim Witmer)
  • Poetry and Wisdom Literature
  • Sermon Delivery
  • Practical Theology Seminar  
I asked Jeremy which class he is most looking forward to... he said Poetry and Wisdom Literature. The class will primarily focus on reading the Psalms and interpreting them Christo-centrically. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

First-Time Mama

"Becoming a mom is a huge life transition - one of constant surprises, joy, anxiety, sacrifices, and also tremendous rewards." - Dr. Kevin Leman

Today is February 7. On January 7, Claire was born. Life is drastically different (duh, right!)... as little monkey face snoozes in the motorized swing beside me, I'm glad for a moment to reflect on her life - and our life - so far.

Constant surprises: Claire is changing right before our eyes. Suddenly, she feels heavier and has rounder cheeks. She is more alert. She is awake for a longer portion of each morning. She can lift her head higher. She is beginning to sleep longer (fingers crossed!)

Joy: Claire can break our hearts with scowling cries (at 2 in the morning, ah hem) and then make us laugh in the same moment with one of her goofy facial expressions.

Anxiety: I've second-guessed and doubted myself all through month-one of Claire's life. I've changed my "strategy" on caring for her several times, sometimes within the same day. Last week, I almost spazzed out when she began to whimper in the grocery...

Sacrifices: SLEEP

Tremendous rewards: I would say tremendous gifts, rather than rewards. I didn't do anything to deserve a reward like Claire. She's a gift.