Thursday, October 20, 2011

Prayer Requests

To our family, faithful friends and blog followers. As I write each week about what's going in our life, I realize we really need your prayer support. If you have a quiet moment, could you please lift us up to God?

(1) Jeremy is preaching tomorrow in Westminster's weekly Friday chapel service. He volunteered. Please pray that he would be guided by the Holy Spirit to prepare well and present well. 

(2) Our Soul Care group has doubled in size, and as a couple, we're taking on more leadership responsibility to shepherd this wonderful crew of young families and children.
Some are new Christians and everyone is coming from a different church background. Please pray especially for Jeremy as he teaches, and for me, as I organize meetings and focus on building Gospel-centered relationships with the women. 

(3) I finally and definitively decided that I won't be working after the baby is born. I originally thought it was critical to try to keep my job. But I realized it will demand more time and pressure than is healthy and manageable for a new mom.
God also tenderly convicted us of our need to trust Him for finances. God will provide for us. Please pray that we would peacefully rely on Him and not be prone to anxiety.

(4) Please also pray that it will go well when I tell my boss and colleagues I'm leaving. I have a tendency to feel really guilty about these things! 


  1. can I just say that Jeremy's face in the picture of us making pizza is...phenomenal. haha. Looks like you (Katie) and Christie had fun too!

  2. The mustache, I think, makes that photo all the more spectacular. He finally shaved it off, btw.
